A soul can't be in love with ... 2 souls. And even if someone would try it ... the emotional balance will just ruin all one day.by the well known romanian author Adrian Dumitru

Truth be told ... we have an obsession for ... connecting to people.

We chase for love .... for adoration ... sympathy ...

But .... into one point ... it all becomes a game of tasting multiple energies .... enjoying it.

I have friends who have a nice relationship ... but also see them .... flirting even with the cashier from the supermarket.

I also see women adoring to see all the idiots from the plannet Earth adoring them ... even if they are in a beautiful connection.

Some partners know that.

... some not.

In fact ... there are people that never realise what their partners are doing ... or why they do it.

And the question is ... can we accept that?!


Can we share .... even for a very short time our partners with other people?!

Unfortunately ... even if we believe we experience very nice relationships ... nobody will ask for our approval.

On the stage of life ... anyone will do ... whatever might consider.


Recently i had the chance to speak with Peter ... an engineer from South Africa ... who wrote me after he read my book "Connection ... not connections".

He got in contact with me ... cause he was in love with a woman who simple adored to taste any kind of masculine energies ... having an addiction for being admired by all the men which were around her.

He felt ... humiliated seeing her doing that all the time ... and even after explaining her one million times his emotions ... and the fact that she is hurting his ego ... a lot ... she simple could not stop herself.

So ... she continued doing the things ... like she did all her life.

Fortunately ... knowing that she has lesbian trends ... he came up with a psychological trick ... and he started to persuade her ... to flirt with her friend Emma.

He was totally convinced that ... mentally he is ready to allow her express her sexuality in front of his eyes ... with that woman.

He even thought ... he would love to see them kissing, touching or even making love.

.... and maybe even join their sexual games.


So ... they tried it .... but soon after ... he felt that she just adores Emma.

They were all the time together ... being and looking so, so happy.

Somehow .... he realised that after suppressing her trend of connecting to more and more souls ... allowing her to express all she really wanted ... he totally lost control on her.

His ... psychological game ... just failed.philosophy of love

And ... seeing her loving so much being in Emma's company ... he becomes hopeless.

Of course ... Peter wanted an advice from me ... but it was too cruel for me to tell him ... that a soul can't love for real 2 or more souls.

He was just experiencing a stupid story ... and ... maybe all was a clear example for my book "Connection ... no connections".

So ... maybe we should just understand that in life ... the Universe connects us to people we should teach them all sorts of philosophical or spiritual concepts.

But not ... so that we can enjoy with them the relationship we have today ... but for their future relationships.

We simple .... play karmic or dharmic roles ... and we hate it ... forgetting that others played karmic or dharmic roles for us.



Download the book ”Mr & Mrs FREUD  

in love ... but still playing psychological games - 

philosophical essays” written by the romanian essayist Adrian Dumitru for FREE. 


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