Most of the things we do are a lot related to the fear of ... suffering. ... but we can't see it and we allow that to dominate our the well known romanian author Adrian Dumitru ... losing the chance to experience lots of beautiful moments

I look at beautiful couples.

I look at them ... and realise that some of them are not really experiencing the best they could experience together even if the energy of the connection between them is so, so good.

It's almost .... a nonsense.

I would love to ask them ... why are so, so afraid of living an amazing love story together ... if all indicates that the story itself is just ... perfect?!

Well ... most probably ... we are all afraid of ... suffering.

All the past experiences ... were lessons telling us that any story ... no matter how beautiful it might look ... usually ends ... bad.


So ... we allow fears to interfere.

Then ... a chain reactions of lots of psychological factors ... analysing much too much all ... we totally forget that while being into a psychology of love love story ... the whole meaning of it ... is first of all to experience ... and enjoy it.

But we just waste lots of such moments.

We allow the inner fears to dominate all.

... especially the fear of ... suffering.

We continue life ... losing and losing again and again and again ... new and new chances of being happy ...

Cause truth be told ... we are afraid to live ... for real.




Download the book ”Mr & Mrs FREUD  

in love ... but still playing psychological games - 

philosophical essays” written by the romanian essayist Adrian Dumitru for FREE. 


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